Par Florian Pariset, Administrateur, Naturalisation-Switzerland the swiss maker website
In order to help the candidates of the naturalization to prepare the questions they'll be asked during this journey, a young entrepreneur lausannois, 28, recently naturalized Swiss, launches
Each year, approximately 45,000 foreign citizens obtain the red passport after a journey that lasts an average two years in which the applicant must prove their knowledge about Switzerland in front of a municipal committee comprised of 9 members.
Par Florian Pariset, Administrateur, Naturalisation-Switzerland
Swiss' naturalisation for François Silvant
Yes, the mood during the commission of naturalization can greatly vary between the places where you started the process of naturalization. It seems that the comedian François Silvant had much more luck than I had !
Par Florian Pariset, Administrateur, Naturalisation-Switzerland
Témoignage : mon oral de naturalisation dans la commune de Lausanne
Il y a tout juste deux ans, je passais devant la commission consultative des naturalisations à l'Hotel de ville, place de la Palud, Lausanne, salle des 'pas perdus', au 1er étage.
Il est 16h, mon entretien avec la commission consultative des naturalisations a lieu dans 15 minutes. Je patiente assis sur les marches de la fontaine de la place de la Palud en parcourant le paquet de cartes que j’ai préparé pour mon oral. L’angoisse au ventre, l’expérience me replongent à l’époque de mes études et des examens de fin d’année. D’ici 15 minutes, je devrais répondre à un torrent de questions sur l’histoire, la géographie, la culture, et la politique suisse.
Par Florian Pariset, Administrateur, Naturalisation-Switzerland
The naturalization process in outline
How is the procedure?
The first stage of the application is the application form to be obtained from the competent authority (depending on the canton).
The municipal police shall make a report after convocation of the candidate.
The applicant participates in a hearing in front of a municipal commission to test the candidate's knowledge of the history, geography, politics, culture and motivation of the candidate.
In some cantons, a candidate must also pass a written exam.
Upon acceptance at municipal level the file goes through various federal departments before the Council of State makes a decision.
The file is then processed by the Federal Office for Migration in Bern for the granting of federal authorization. Once issued, the candidate takes the oath in front of a delegation of the State Council.